PhD 2011, has recently founded a travel outfit, the Via Antiqua Travel GmbH. She writes: “Francesca Spiegel is my partner in crime. We organize educational trips in Europe with a focus on history, archeology and history of art. Our programs not only feature out-of-the-ordinary sites but also shed new light on top destinations every traveler must see. Each trip is dedicated to one aspect of historic importance to the region visited: we provide a red thread, if you will, to draw the line connecting past to present. This makes our trips a real in-depth experience, because ‘the more you know, the more you see’. The travelers are accompanied by a trip manager to provide for their well-being and comfort, and by an expert with a PhD in a related field to give after-dinner talks, introduce the theme, and present the sites in cooperation with local guides. From 2015 on, our trips will be sold through the travel programs run by various Alumni Associations, such as Yale Educational Travel. Before we officially start, I’m offering two trips for 2014 as some sort of test run: ‘A Game of Thrones. Balancing the Powers in Post-Medieval Baden-Württemberg’, an 11 days trip in Southwest Germany; and ‘Rome’s Etruscan Heritage’, 11 days in and around Rome. Now I’m looking for travelers to go on at least one of the trips for a really special price, and, in return, to share their opinion and help me improve the programs! Here is the website: www.via-antiqua.com