Egbert Bakker
Edited by Egbert J. Bakker, Irene J. F. de Jong, and Hans van Wees
Egbert Bakker
Centre for Hellenic Studies (Harvard UP)
Egbert Bakker
Cambridge University Press
Egbert Bakker
Authorship and Greek Song: Authority, Authenticity, and Performance book cover photo
Victor Bers
Translated by Victor Bers
Kirk Freudenburg
Edited by Kirk Freudenburg
Kirk Freudenburg
Edited by Kirk Freudenburg
Kirk Freudenburg
Cambridge University Press
Milette Gaifman
The Art of Libation in Classical Athens, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018).
Milette Gaifman
Edited by Mikael Aktor and Milette Gaifman
Verity Harte
Paperback 2005
Verity Harte
ed. with M.M McCabe, R.W. Sharples and Anne Sheppard
Verity Harte
Cambridge University Press
Verity Harte
Edited by Verity Harte and Raphael Woolf
Cambridge University Press
Brad Inwood
With L.P. Gerson and D.S. Hutchinson
Paperback, Simon and Schuster, (New York, 1991)
Paperback, Anchor Books, New York, 1996
Paperback edition 2004. Dutch translation 2004
Belknap Press of Harvard UP
Christina Kraus
Cambridge University Press
Christina Kraus
Edited with Roy K. Gibson
Christina Kraus
Edited with Simon Goldhill, Helene P. Foley, and Jas Elsner
Christina Kraus
Edited with Jane D. Chaplin
Christina Kraus
Edited with John Marincola and Christopher Pelling
Christina Kraus
Contributions to the edition by A.J. Woodman
Christina Kraus
Edited with Christopher Stray
Christina Kraus
Edited by Marco Formisano and Christina S. Kraus.
Noel Lenski
Paperback 2014
Noel Lenski
Rev. ed. 2011
Noel Lenski
with M. Boatwright, D. Gargola, R.J.A. Talbert
Noel Lenski
ed. with G. Bonamente and R. Lizzi Testa
Noel Lenski
with M. Boatwright, D. Gargola, R.J.A. Talbert
Second Edition
Noel Lenski
Edited by Noel Lenski and Catherine Cameron.
Noel Lenski
Co-edited with Jan Willem Drijvers
Munera, Studi storici sulla Tarda Antichità 46 (Edipuglia 2019) Pp. 320
Pauline LeVen
Cambridge University Press
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature
John Matthews
Tim Cornell and John Matthews
John Matthews
Clarendon Press, September (new edition)
First published 1975
John Matthews
Winner of the 2007 James Henry Breasted Prize
John Matthews
First published by Duckworth, 1989)
Barbara Shailor
University of Toronto Press
American Philological Association
Translated by Joseph B. Solodow; Revised by Don Fowler and Glenn W. Most
Paperback 1999