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Faculty in Philosophy and Classics

Timothy Clarke, Associate Professor of Philosophy. Primary appointment in philosophy, Secondary appointment in Classics. Faculty page.

Verity Harte, Professor of Philosophy and Classics. Primary appointments in both Philosophy and Classics. Ancient philosophy special interests: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind and philosophical psychology; Plato and Aristotle. Faculty page.

Brad Inwood, Professor of Classics and Philosophy, holds primary appointments in both departments. Ancient philosophy special interests include ethics, moral psychology and philosophy of mind; post-Aristotelian philosophy, especially Stoicism, the Presocratics, as well as Plato and Aristotle. Faculty page.

Faculty in other departments and divisions of Yale

Frank Griffel, Professor of Islamic Studies, Department of Religious Studies. Ancient philosophy related special interests: Arabic philosophy in the Aristotelian tradition and its integration into Muslim theological literature (kalam). Faculty page.

John Hare, Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology, Divinity School. Secondary Appointment in Philosophy. Ancient philosophy related special interests: ancient ethics and philosophy of religion. Faculty page.