Departmental Officers and Committees

Department Officers

Chair: Noel Lenski
DGS: Brad Inwood (F24); Chris Kraus (S25)
DUS: Jessica Lamont
LPD: James Patterson
Librarian: Colin McCaffrey

Graduate Committee

Brad Inwood (DGS and committee chair, F24)
Chris Kraus (DGS and committee chair, S25)
Egbert Bakker
Andrew Johnston
Erika Valdivieso

DEI Committee

Alexander Ekserdjian
Benedek Kruchió
Jessica Lamont
Tiziano Castrogiovanni
Maria Ma (F24)
Catherine Saterson (S25)

Other Officers and Committees

Proseminar instructor: Jessica Lamont
SCS representative for graduate studentsChris Kraus
Works in Progress Coordinators: Noel Lenski (Chair); Jacob Horton; Maddie Hoaglund
Curriculum Committee: Jessica Lamont (DUS and committee chair); Chris Kraus (DGS, S25); Pauline LeVen; Kirk Freudenburg (F24); Joe Manning (S25); James Patterson; John Dillon
Senior Thesis and comprehensive exam coordinator: Jessica Lamont and her delegates; John Dillon (will assist with Prize Exams in Latin and Greek)
Junior Faculty MentoringMilette Gaifman; Noel Lenski
Departmental colloquium organizers: Malina Buturović; Jessica Lamont
Rostovtzeff lecture committee: Andrew Johnston; Jessica Lamont; Noel Lenski; Joe Manning
Parry lecture committee: Pauline LeVen; Ayesha Ramachandran (CPLT); Benedek Kruchió
Quorum officer, Joint BoardsJoe Manning; Verity Harte
Newsletter and Website coordinatorNoel Lenski; Eleanor Martin
Greco-Roman Lunch coordinators: Talia Boylan; Austin Goodwin (ISM)
Graduate Elected Speaker coordinator: Jacob Horton
Graduate Liaison: Thomas Munro
Undergraduate Liaison: Kirsten Traudt
Prospective student visit coordinators: Alejandro Quintana; Maddie Hoaglund
Senior Project & Tutorial assistants: Sydnie Chavez; Jennifer Moss; Jasmine Sahu-Hough
Mentorship scheme coordinator: Maria Ma
GSA Representative: Mary Curwen