The study of Classics includes every aspect of the ancient culture of Greece and Rome, ranging from the world of Homer to early Medieval Europe.
The Department of Classics at Yale is one of the leading Departments in the country, with access to unparalleled resources in papyri, ancient coins and manuscripts, as well as outstanding library facilities and the holdings of the Yale Art Gallery.
Each year we offer a wide range of courses in Greek and Latin language and literature. We currently have specialists in the following areas: art history and archaeology; military, social and economic history; religion and mythology; literary criticism and cultural history; ancient music; Greek and Roman law; philosophy; medicine; ancient manuscripts and papyri.
Although we take no part in the admissions process, we welcome visits from prospective applicants, who should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Andrew Johnston, for more information or to arrange a meeting. Prospective applicants and incoming students may also find useful information under “Studying Greek and Latin” and the “frequently asked questions”.