
Roman History Between Germany and the US - Comparing Work and Methodologies (2025)

This colloquium will bring together Roman historians from German and US academic environments to explore their own work and discuss methodologies. Each speaker will offer a 40-minute presentation exploring the results of recent research and discussing how their particular academic environment influences their questions and methodologies: how does working in a contemporary German / American university impact one’s choice of problems, methodologies, and results?

Conference on Later Stoicism (2024)

On April 5 to April 7 Yale hosted an international conference on later Stoicism, the period from the second century BCE through to about 200 CE. Later Stoicism includes the best known and most influential authors (Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius) as well as lesser known but important philosophers. We had nine papers on various aspects of the school by leading scholars of the school, from France, Germany, Canada and the US. Comments were given by, among others, a number of Yale graduate students. 


AMPRAW is an annual conference that is designed to bring together early-career researchers in the field of classical reception studies, and will be held for the tenth year. It aims to contribute to the growth of an international network of PhDs working on classical reception(s), as well as to strengthen relationships between early career researchers and established academics. AMPRAW 2022 was held at Yale University from Thursday 3rd November to Saturday 5th November 2022, with the generous support of the Department of Classics at Yale University, the ARCHAIA program, and the Whitney Humanities Centre. Organizers: Thomas Munro ( and Francesca Beretta (francesca. View the conference schedule here (PDF - opens in a new tab).

Philology Day 2019. The Counsel of Bookworms: Constructions of the Book in Imperial Greek Writing

April 11-12, 2019. Organized by Treasa Bell, Christopher Londa, Rachel Love, and Joe Morgan.

See conference poster (PDF)

Latin Philology Day 2018. A celebration of Ted Champlin’s Tiberius in Capri.

April 14, 2018. See conference program.

Philologia sacra et profana: Constructions of the authentic.

Monday, September 18, 2017 - 9:00 am to Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 6:00 pm. A Whitney Humanities Center conference presented by the Departments of Classics, German, and Religious Studies Departments. Sponsored by the Humanities/Humanity program. See conference program.

Greek Philology Day 2017. A celebration of Felix Budelmann’s new Cambridge commentary on Greek Lyric.

Friday April 21st, 2017. See conference program.

Latin Philology Day 2016. Mimesis — Alterity — Rome. A workshop on Denis Feeney’s new book.

April 16, 2016. See conference program.

Greek Philology Day 2015. Between rhetoric and historiography: Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

October 17, 2015. Organized by Ben Jerue and the Yale graduate students. See conference program.

In the crucible of Empire: Resistance, revolt and revolution in the Greco-Roman World

October 30–31, 2014. See conference program.

Latin Philology Day 2014: Fun with Latin Readers, Featuring Suetonius

Sunday, October 5, 2014. See conference program.

Ho​me and Away: The Epic Journey

April 25th–26th, 2014. Keynote speaker Damien Nelis (Geneva). Organized by Thomas Biggs and Jessica Blum (Yale). See conference program. More about the conference.

Marginali​ty, Canonicity, Passion

Friday, March 30–Sunday, April 1, 2012. Keynote speaker Hindy Najman (Yale). Organized by Marco Formisano (Berlin) and Christina S. Kraus (Yale). See conference program.

Authorship, Authority, and Authenticity in Archaic and Classical Greek Song

Wednesday July 6th–Saturday July 9th, 2011. Organized by Egbert J. Bakker for the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song. Generously funded by the Department of Classics and the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund at Yale University. See conference program.

The Past-Colonial: Classics and the Colonization of the Past

Friday April 1st–Sunday April 3rd 2011. Organized by Emily Greenwood, Milette Gaifman, Martin Devecka, and Chris Simon. Generously Funded by the Department of Classics and the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Fund at Yale University. See conference program.