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The Yale Department of Classics is a thriving research community. Members of the Faculty are engaged in research spanning Greek and Latin Literature, Ancient History, Art & Archaeology, Ancient Philosophy, and modern Classical Receptions. However, this broad summary hardly does justice to the originality of the research being done by individual scholars. We invite you to browse the Faculty’s individual pages to get a better sense of the research that we are engaged in.

Photo of sculpture.The department hosts a number of invited lectures throughout the semester, at which visiting scholars present their current research. This regular lecture program is supplemented by occasional conferences and colloquia. In addition, the department is involved in a number of collaborative research ventures: Archaia: Yale Program for the Study of Ancient and Premodern Cultures and Societies, which hosts an interdisciplinary workshop on ‘Ancient Societies’; the Yale Economic History Workshop; and a workshop on the Cultures of the Classical (together with Renaissance Studies). We also cooperate with the Department of Classics at Brown University in holding annual Yale-Brown colloquia, and we participate in the Yale-UCL Collaborative for faculty and students.

Individual members of the department participate in international research networks: Egbert Bakker is an Associated member of the research group ‘Textual Cohesion’, organized by OIKOS, the Netherlands National Research School in Classical Studies, he is also a Correspondent (foreign member) of the Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences as well as a member of the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song, which organizes annual conferences on Archaic Greek Poetry. Pauline LeVen is on the executive committee of Moisa, The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music & its Cultural Heritage. Brad Inwood is a member of the organizing committee for the triennial Symposium Hellenisticum series on Hellenistic philosophy. Noel Lenski is a member of the research group Migration und Mobilität in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter based at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, and a Corresponding Member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Chris Kraus is a member of the Comité Scientifique of the Fondation Hardt.

A number of the Faculty hold editorial positions on international journals and series, or serve on their advisory boards (Bakker, Bers, Gaifman, Greenwood, Harte, Inwood, Kraus, Manning), or have edited recent prominent companions. Noel Lenski is managing editor of the Journal of Late Antiquity.  More information on faculty publications.