Classics Anti-Racism Reading Group

This reading group meets roughly once a month to read and discuss materials related to racism and Classics.

Spring 2023 Schedule:

1. Thursday, February 23rd at 4pm, room TBD: Jackie Murray talk, co-facilitated with the American Classicisms Working Group
2. Friday, March 31st at 12pm, room TBD: Discussion of Helen Chestnutt’s The Road to Latin and Michele Valerie Ronnick’s ”In Search of Helen Maria Chesnutt (1880-1969), Black Latinist”
3. Friday, April 21st (early afternoon, exact time and location TBD): Anti-Racist Syllabus Workshop

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the organizers if you have any questions, or are interested in proposing a topic or leading a session (we are open to anything, whether you’d like to lead an informal discussion, workshop a paper or syllabus, formally present relevant work, etc.):

Elizabeth Raab -

Jasmine Sahu-Hough -

Jackie Testamark -