Statue photo

The Major in Classical Civilization

Drawing of AcropolisThe major in Classical Civilization is designed to offer students an opportunity to study an entire civilization from a wide range of perspectives. It is a flexible program that allows students to take a range of courses in a number of departments, and thus tailor their degree to their own specific interests. Areas of specialization include the literature, history, philosophy, religion, art and archaeology of Greek and Roman antiquity from the earliest beginnings in Bronze Age Greece to the Middle Ages. The culture of the ancient world is studied for its intrinsic artistic value, its historical significance, and its power to illuminate problems confronting contemporary society. Apart from the required language component, all courses are taught in translation. In their final year students in the major have the opportunity to work on a project of their own choosing.

Admission to the major

There are no formal prerequisite courses. Students need either Greek or Latin at Intermediate level for this program: they should therefore start Beginners Greek or Latin as soon as possible. All students interested in majoring in Classical Civilization should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies ( as soon as possible to discuss a program of study, and no later than the beginning of the junior year.

Requirements for the Major

For information about the Classics major, please see the Yale College Programs of Study guidelines online.

Division of courses

Course-numbers in Classical Civilization are intended to give an approximate indication of level:

  • freshman seminars (reserved for freshmen) are numbered between 001 and 099
  • introductory courses are numbered in the 100s
  • intermediate courses are numbered in the 200s
  • advanced courses are numbered in the 400s
  • The required intermediate (second year) language courses are numbered 131-141: students with no prior work in the language should take the full-year 110–120 sequence.