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picture of pauline leven
December 4, 2020
The Department congratulates Pauline Leven on the publication of her second book, new from Cambridge University Press! It offers windows onto a rich web of ideas about the...
Peopling the Past Podcast
November 23, 2020
Listen to Susan B. Matheson, the Molly and Walter Bareiss Curator of Ancient Art, discuss old age and the ways in which the elderly are depicted in ancient Greek art in...
Yale’s most popular Humanities course!
October 31, 2020
Yale’s most popular Humanities course! Milette Gaifman teaches Art and Myth in Greek Antiquity, enrolling 200 students and keeping spirits high. “Teaching the course online...
Yale Review photo
June 24, 2020
What the historian’s account of an ancient plague taught me when my father died 8,000 miles away. Read Professor Greenwood’s article in the Yale Review. 
Manning volcano photo
June 23, 2020
Read more about Professor Joe Manning’s collaborative work on volcanos and ancient climate in the New York Times science section.