Christina Kraus
Christina Shuttleworth Kraus is the Thomas A. Thacher Professor of Latin. After receiving her BA from Princeton and PhD from Harvard, she taught at NYU, UCL, and Oxford before coming to Yale in the summer of 2004. She has research interests in ancient historiography, Latin prose style, and the theory and practice of commentaries. She is also a member of the Program in Early Modern Studies.
She currently serves on the advisory boards of the projects, The Last Historians of Rome (AHRC funded, University of Edinburgh, 2024- ); Imperialism in Roman Historical Writing (DFF funded project, 2023- ); Brill’s Historiography of Rome and its Empire (monograph series); she is also on the general editorial board of the series Pseudepigrapha Latina (OUP). She was a co-founder of the Yale Initiative for the Study of Antiquity and the Premodern world (now ARCHAIA). She gave the 2009 Martin Classical Lectures at Oberlin College on the topic, “Tacitean polyphonies: The Agricola and its scholarly reception.” She is working on a project on early modern commentaries on Ennius’ Annales.
Click here for CV.
Latin language and literature.
Latin historiography, historical narrative, commentaries and the theory of commentary; Caesar, Livy, Tacitus.
Selected Recent Publications
- ‘Going in circles: Digressive behavior in Caesar, BC 2,’ Trends in Classics Supplementary volume, Digressions in classical historiography, edd. M. Baumann and V. Liotsakis, de Gruyter 2024
- ‘Livy’s Faliscan Schoolmaster’; in The usages of the past in Roman Historiography, edd. A. Damtoft Poulson and A. Jönnsen, Brill’s Historiography of Rome and its Empire. Leiden 2021.
- ‘“Pointing the moral’ or ‘adorning the tale?” Illustrations and commentary on Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum in 19th- and early 20th-century American textbooks’, in Classical scholarship and its history, Essays in Honour of Christopher Stray, edd. S.J. Harrison and C. Pelling, de Gruyter 2021
- ‘Altera Roma: The case of Veii’; in Urban disasters and the Roman imagination, edd. V. Closs and E.E. Keitel; supplementary volume, Trends in Classics, de Gruyter 2020
- ‘Commenting on the Annales: Steuart, Skutsch, and Ennius,’ in Ennius’ Annales: Poetry and History, edd. J. Farrell and C. Damon, CUP 2020
- ‘Fabula and history in Livy’s narrative of the capture of Veii,’ in Historical consciousness and uses of the past in the ancient world, ed. J. Baines et al., Equinox 2019
- Marginality, canonicity, passion, edited with Marco Formisano (OUP 2018)
- Classical commentaries: Explorations in a scholarly genre, edited with C.A. Stray (OUP 2016)