
Egbert Bakker's picture

Alvan Talcott Professor of Classics; Director of Graduate Studies

Malina Buturović's picture

Postdoctoral Associate in Classics

John Noël Dillon's picture

Senior Lector I (Classics and Divinity School)

Alexander Ekserdjian's picture

Postdoctoral Associate in Classics and History of Art

Kirk Freudenburg's picture

Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Professor of Classics; Chair of the Department

Milette Gaifman's picture

Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Classics and History of Art . Chair of History of Art

Verity Harte's picture

George A. Saden Professor of Philosophy and Classics

Sarah Insley's picture

Lecturer in Classics; Assistant Dean for Graduate Education

Brad Inwood's picture

William Lampson Professor of Philosophy and of Classics

Andrew Johnston's picture

Associate Professor of Classics and (by courtesy) of History; Director of Undergraduate Studies in Classics

Christina Kraus's picture

Thomas A. Thacher Professor of Latin

Jessica Lamont's picture

Assistant Professor of Classics and (by courtesy) of History; member of the Program in History of Science and Medicine

Noel Lenski's picture

Dunham Professor of Classics and History

Pauline LeVen's picture

Professor of Classics and (by courtesy) of Music; Chair of the Humanities Program (Spring 2023)

Joseph Manning's picture

The William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Professor of Classics and History and (by courtesy) in the School of the Environment; Senior Research Scholar, Yale Law School

James Patterson's picture

Language Program Director; Senior Lector I

Timothy Robinson's picture

Lector in Greek and Latin

Barbara Shailor's picture

Senior Research Scholar

Rosalie Stoner's picture

Lecturer and Associate Research Scholar

Erika Valdivieso's picture

Assistant Professor of Classics; member of the Program in Early Modern Studies